
See the snippets here: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/us_elections/article5089550.ece#

Here are reports by the New York Times from all over the world:
To quote President-elect Obama on election night, he said, "Hello, Chicago. If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still won
ders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, tonight is your answer. It’s a long time coming, but because of what we did on this day, at this defining moment, change has come to America."

Very high expectations have come with Barack Obama to the White House. Some see his election as a sign that America reaching a new height in race relations. Others see Obama's election as the banishment of old time racism. Yet others acknowledge, like many of you have done in our class discussion this week, that racism has certainly not disappeared from the American political or cultural landscape.
The questions for you are:
1. Since we've agreed that racism hasn't disappeared in America, where do we see it rear its ugly head nowadays? Please give some specific examples.
2. What will be a future sign to you that racism has diminished even more than it has today?
(optional additional question) 3. Is it possible that there is a built-in or institutional racism that so subtlely perpetuates the economic gap between whites and other minorities that whites can't see it or won't acknowledge its existence? Or is that just a bunch of baloney?
Blog is due by class on Monday, October 5th - 150 words minimum.
If you want to dig deeper into two different viewpoints, check out:
1. Tim Wise at http://www.timwise.org/ . He bills himself as an anti-racist writer, speaker and educator and has been seen recently on CNN in the past few weeks b/c backers of President Obama have charged that some of the criticism leveled at him have been racist in nature.
2. The American Civil Rights Institute founded by Ward Connerly http://www.acri.org/- despite its name, the man behind this organization has been pushing for state referendums around the country that end preferential treatment based upon race. It's motto is "Race has no place in American life or law." They just got the Arizona state senate to pass a bill that would let AZ voters alter their state constitution by ending any special gender or race considerations in the 2010 election.
Check both out and you be the judge.
Kaleigh L.T. Passarelli
U.S. History 1st hour
Racism has "reared its ugly head nowadays" during the presidential election because people were shouting that “Obama is horrible”, and “don't vote for him because he will destroy the U.S. because he is a black man.” We talked in class that people are shouting we want the old days, i.e., the days we had slavery and 13 states. President Obama was attacked verbally by an animal rights group because on live television he did something horrible. He, what was it again, right, he swatted at a fly. What a monster. They went nuts saying stuff like he hates animals, he's horrible. It was a fly for Pete’s sakes. They shouldn't have gone nuts about it. If President Bush had done that I don’t think that there would have been as much of a stir. No one would have gone nuts about it. But when President Obama does it, they were throwing criticism at him because they were looking for something wrong. The way the animal rights group was acting you would have thought that he had just killed all the jaguars left in the world. Another example is that the other countries in the world are shocked that we elected an African American for President because some of those countries thought that the United States was racists. True, Obama didn’t get a lot of votes in the southern states, mainly the ones that used to be slave states. Obama got lots of the votes from the northern states. He got some from the South, but McCain got most of them. For some people it was based strictly on the fact that Obama was an African American. Racism runs too deep in their veins that it would have gone against their fiber to vote for him. Another example is you can go online, and type something in about Obama, and you could find something on there that is negative about what he is doing.
A sign for me that racism has diminished even more than today is when a woman is elected for President. Some people still think that men are better than women. The day that a woman is elected to be the President of the United States of America will show that racism has diminished. We have elected an African American; now the next wall we have to break down is to make those who believe that women are inferior to men see that they are not by electing them into office. That will be the day that a sign is shown proving that racism has diminished even more than it has today.
Dan Edwards
3rd hour
1. Racism in America now “points its ugly head” towards the people of Middle Eastern, or Arabian, decent. One example is the ventriloquist-comedian Jeff Dunham and the majority of comedy that exists in America today. Jeff, with his famous Achmed the Dead Terrorist puppet, goes around performing both live and on TV, making various jokes about terrorism and Arabian people. The majority of the jokes that are told are racist towards a minority, despite the fact that, together, the minorities are more populous than the majority.
2. A future sign that will show that racism has diminished will be a lessening of racist jokes and a possible world without religion. In a world where there is no religion, there is no difference between two races other than what they look like. Two examples of religious difference that has led to much violence and racism are the separations between the Sunnis and the Shiite Muslims as well as the old differences between the Christians of the Crusades and the Muslims of those times.
Racism nowadays is now mostly in the media, which is mostly on television. It's decreased a lot in the past 100 years, but its still here and sadly will always be here. Television takes a huge part in racism; they use a lot of it in comedy shows like the Carlos Mencia show. Or the Geico commercial’s about caveman being able to do this and that. A sign that racism has diminished more than it already has is when humans stop stereotyping everything they see. Another thing would like to see be done is, news stations stop mentioning the persons ethnicity. Come on how much more racist can it get when you here something like, “a African American man was caught breaking into a local KFC.” Also another thing that would be nice too see done is, less drawings of Swastika’s and the “N-word” written on the walls of bathrooms at school. This concludes my comment, thanks for your time.
Muhannad Al-Bakkour
5th Hour
Ryan Williams
3rd Hour
1. A prime example of racism today would be hate groups. These organizations target and discriminate against people because of their spiritual, ethnic, and personal differences. And the main reason these groups were formed is because of a disliking/hate in the differences of other people, which is considered racism. Another example of racism today would be stereotypes, like all Asians are smart, or all black people are good at basketball. These things are considered racist because it is unfair to generalize the behaviors, abilities, or traits of a certain race of people. These stereotypes make people predetermine how someone might act or be like even if they don’t know them.
2. A future sign that racism has diminished will be the election of more ethnic politicians in city, state, and national positions. This will show that the majority of people are comfortable with being led and represented by a person of a different race, and don’t think of the person as inferior just, because they’re not the same skin color as you. This will also show that a candidate is elected or not for his or her skills, qualities, and qualifications and not just their skin color. Another sign of racism diminishing would be a decrease in the number of hate groups and the number of people in these groups. Because these groups discriminate against people because of things like the color of their skin, religion, or personal choices; a decrease in the number of these groups and their members would mean that differences would be more tolerable in society.
Dan hit it on the head w/ this puppet guy, Jeff Dunham. I saw the ad for his show and he had a pimp puppet who had flashy gold and talked in ghetto slang. The puppet was also black which is no surprise to me now that I've read Dan's comments about the dead terrorist. Maybe people think that animating a dead terrorist is acceptable b/c we're in the middle of a war on terror, but it's still wrong. And we're way past the days of the stereotypical pimp.
Natalie Hords
1st hour
1. Racism, we all agree, hasn't disappeared. although it has lessened, it seems to nudge its way back into society. a way it does this is mainly through technology. specifically through television shows, especially the ones that are marked as comedy. today i was watching Chelsea Lately and the first thing that came out of her mouth (even though i love that show) was about how so-and-so was asian. It's small things like that, that we don't even realize anymore because it seems so normal in today's world. a lot of racism has been turned into a joke and all day long kids are walking around telling racial jokes/comments. its at the point where I'm not even sure if joking about racism, is considered being racist. there are stronger forms of straight up racism, like the KKK and other hate groups. they are still out there and not only just in southern states. we have hate groups all over the U.S. and it's things like hate groups, that set us back a step in our change into a non racial country.
2. a future sign that racism is diminishing in America, to me, would be when it's normal to be dating someone of another race than yourself and have it be accepted by all. in the future, everyone is going to be a mix of race's anyways due to all the backgrounds of the families. I'm already 5 different nationalities, so if i get married and have a kid, they'll have my nationalities as well as the nationalities of the person I'm married to. everyone will be everything and so It'll be hard to say they hate a certain group of people just because of there ethnicity because well ALL be mutts! so hopefully when that time comes, racism will be way behind us.
Jennifer Levin
1st hour
One example of racism that can still be seen today occurs within airport security. Certain people are stopped or considered suspicious when going through the airport because of how they look or their name; personnel assume from a stereotype that because they may be of origin of the Middle East that they are or could be related to a terrorist. People assume that just because these people are from the same region as the men who attacked the country eight years ago that they could be just as bad. It is good that airport security is paying more attention to what people bring with them, but they shouldn’t be judging people based on certain stereotypes of their religion, their name, or where they are from.
One sign that racism will have diminished further than it has today will be when people of a variety of different cultures are chosen to represent the country in the U.S. Government. The country claims to be a “melting pot” of many different ethnicities, yet it still manages to contradict itself. Not until last year did the country elect its first African American president. Electing one person does not make the government diverse. In the future, this could include women as well.
Rudy Schreier 1st Hour
1.We still see racism almost everywhere. It’s just not as bad as it used to be. Occasionally there are KKK marches and other protests against different races. The most racism is down south though but it’s still bad all over. You also see a lot of racism in the media like TV shows and movies. Most of the racism said in the media is usually jokes, but you never know if it still offends people.
2.A sign that racism has diminished even more than it has today would be when racist organizations, groups, and marches start losing a lot of their members and start to lose the so called ‘power’ that they have. Also, when different races are elected president and the media and people don’t make such a big deal out of it. I believe that racism will end soon and more and more people will feel safer and happier.
Erin Robnett
1st hour!
1. We have all established that racism hasn’t disappeared in America. Racism toward African Americans tends to show a lot more down in the south than in the north. Some people in the south still have the confederate flag on their houses. Some African American students claim that they were punished more harshly than white students and have been publicly humiliated by their peers. Racism towards other ethnic groups happens in everyday life. Since 9/11, when people see Middle Eastern people they think they are terrorists. Even airport security has kept close watch over Middle Eastern people because they automatically assume that they have something to do with terrorism, which is not the case whatsoever. Racism and stereotypical judgments doesn’t only happen to African American and Middle Eastern people, it happens to everyone and every ethnic group.
2. A future sign to me that racism has diminished more than it has today would be more people of different ethnic groups elected to political positions in the state and the government. If people saw that different ethnic groups have more power, then the people are more likely to respect them.
Racism will never be completely gone from our world, but we can hope that there will be less violence and racial stereotypes as the years go on.
1. Since the election of President Barack Obama, racism has decreased but there are still many ways that show it is still present. One of the main types of racism in the U.S. is the hate groups formed against different ethnicities and races. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there was a counted 926 active hate groups in the United States in 2008, with 23 of those being located in Michigan. Another way racism is shown is through television, magazines, and the Internet. Chris Rock, a famous comedian, bases many jokes off of racist stereotypes based on his own race, African American. At Groves, I hear stereotypical jokes being told almost every day.
2. A future sign that will tell me racism has diminished even more than it has today is when more ethnic groups and races are elected in the government. Barack Obama broke the white President “tradition” when he became our 44th President of the United States. It is sad that it took 44 presidencies to finally have an African American elected. Another way I know that racism will be diminished is when I walk down the hallways or watch comedians perform and no jokes are bases on stereotypes of different ethnicities or races.
Jake Balicki
3rd Hour
Blaine Bishop
1st hour
Racism has greatly diminished over the years, but it is still a huge part of our society today. For example certain people are stopped because they are considered suspicious when going through the airport because of their background. Airport personnel assume that because someone is of Middle Eastern background that they are related to terrorist activity. Also, there are cops that will specifically pull over, or randomly check african americans because they assume they are up to no good.
2. A sign for me that racism has diminshed even more is that the neighborhoods will be less segregated, because even though everyone is allowed to live where ever they pleas, certain groups migrate to specific areas ostracizing themselves from diversity. Another sign for me will be when interracial couples aren't viewed any differently then a single race couple.
Alice Turner 1st hour
1. Racism drives many of the things we see in society today. I think that even though the act of affirmative action makes the choice go to minorities over majorities, it’s still a form of racism. I think that when it comes to decisions like deciding who gets a job, the most qualified person, disregarding race, should get the job. We shouldn’t have to have a law telling people to hire minorities because they have a lower employment rate. I also see racism a lot in places like airports where they take security a bit overboard. One of my old teachers once told me that she and her husband were traveling somewhere and they were pulled aside and were questioned and searched to an extreme extent just because they were Arabic and the name on their passports sounded foreign – making it seem as if they saw all middle eastern people as terrorists.
2. If racism diminishes in the future, the signs will be easy to see. People will embrace the different ethnicities and backgrounds of each other instead of trying to blind everyone by saying we shouldn’t see people’s races. I think we should look at these cultures and accept their differences rather than ignoring them completely.
3. I do think that there is an established institutional racism. Our society was built by and built for the white majority. You don’t see too many areas of whites living in the slums. I do believe that they have a higher success rate and they do deny it. They cover up the “reformed racism” with things like affirmative action, so it seems as if they’re working for change, which may be true for some people but I think that the underlying change needed to end that form of racism will take a lot more then the election of a black president. Our society has been run with that racism since the begging and it will be a difficult change, if change is even possible.
Keon Collier
3rd hour
1. We see racism in a numerous aspects of our lives today. “The current economic recession, which has taken a devastating toll on African-Americans and people of color, has disproportionately impacted blacks more than whites, according to a study by the Center for American Progress. The inability to find gainful employment has crushed the hopes of achieving the American dream for so many families in minority, as a nation we have to examine why the African-American unemployment rate in several communities doubles that of whites.” We see racism mainly in economic situations, politics, housing, health care and crime.
2. A future sign of racism diminishing would be if all races were fully employed the housing market changes where the rate of foreclosure homes is lower and the crime rate of America has decreased particularly in urban areas. African Americans and Hispanics are no longer living in poverty and the unemployment rate for African American is close to that of whites.
Quote Source: http://www.blackamericaweb.com/?q=articles/news/the_state_of_black_america_news/13006#
Sarah Knoll
3rd hour
We can see racism today towards many different ethnic groups around the world. In The United States of America we see racism to Mexicans and blacks. We see racism to Mexican because of the stereotypes that say that every Mexican is illegal, uneducated, or unable to speak English. All of the statements are false but some people believe this and think that they are better than Mexicans than trying to find out if theses statements are false. Blacks are also the victim of racism even though there is a black president. Some people did not support President Obama because he is Black, even if he stood for what they believed in.
Racism will never end; there will always be someone who will have a prejudice, but less and less people will be racist. President Obama has helped lesson racism towards blacks and other ethnic can do the same thing. To lesson the racism toward Mexicans someone can come into political power showing the racists that the stereotypes they believe in are false.
It is clear that racism has not disappeared in the world, nor do I think it will ever disappear, or at least not for a very long time. Racist people are still all over, in much less numbers than in the past, but still there. There are still racist stereotypes that can be heard every day. In my opinion, stereotypes are the biggest example of racism today. However there have always been people, due to their past and the way they were brought up, that will never learn to be accepting of other races. Even today, people will be denied jobs because of their race, or be left out of other things because of the color of their skin. Racism has come a very long way as far as diminishing, but can go even further. People of different colors are still left out of things and treated differently in some cases and when this stops, I think it will be a sign that racism has further diminished.
Brad Benghiat 1st Hour
1.) Racism has “reared its ugly head nowadays” when President Obama became the president. Some people that kept quiet about racism are now coming out and complaining about a black man being the leader of our country. Many others though are happy with the different ethnic groups. Racism in our country is mainly towards the blacks and Mexicans it seems. Although people are complaining about racism, it has decreased from the 19th and 20th centuries.
2.) To me, a future sign that racism has diminished would be when more races and ethnic groups are in office for government. When Obama won the election, it proved that the world is getting fewer racists. Another sign would be when we can go somewhere and there are a bunch of different ethnic groups. Many areas nowadays are not very diverse, i.e. Seaholm. Many people will choose to live in an area with diversity. Soon enough, people are going to be so unfamiliar with racism and not even care about the differences.
Malarie French 3rd hour
Stephen Jones
U.S. History Blog #21
5th hour
1. We see racism occur in our country quite often, considering we have an economy as of right now which is designed to help the wealthy maintain wealth and the poor remain in poverty. That has to do with racism in that the majority of people in poverty in this country are minorities. We also practice racism without really even realizing that its happening, for example the stereotypes we have for one another, such as Caucasians not being able to dance, African-Americans being athletic, Asians being especially smarter, or even Mexicans being best suited for hard labor. Racism occurs even when we don’t realize it whether its malicious and intentional racism, or the seemingly harmless thoughts we keep to ourselves we have all been exposed to some form of racism in our life and it has more than likely influenced our first impression of somebody at one point.
2. Racism will start to end, as education continues to grow people who have racist thoughts are often impacted by the ignorance of another person, if we can educate more people we can begin to replace the ignorance in one’s ear with enlightenment, learning about African-American scholars, Caucasian athletes, Mexican businessmen, can begin to destroy these stereotypes we have in our heads, just as Jack Johnson destroyed the black inferiority stereotype every time he stepped in the ring, win after win he proved a black man could dominate a sport just as a white man could. Examples that destroy stereotypes are out there and once we become educated and learn about them that is when we will see the first signs of racism truly coming to an end.
1. Even though racism has diminished a lot it is still not gone, it is usually stereotypical racism that is used today. Some typical examples of racism are that you might think that African Americans are better at basketball than white people. Another typical example of racism is that black people are more dangerous than white people, and that Chinese people are smarter than white people, and that all Mexicans are poor, lazy, and are immigrates, and that all Jews are rich and stingy with their money, and that all Arabic people are terrorists.
2. A future sign that racism has diminished would be when all people are treated equally based on the job they do and not on their gender, religious or racial background. Another example would be if all schools had the same supplies and equipment no matter where they were located and law enforcement treated everyone the same.
Damien Dorre
5th hour/history
Kevin Ross-5th Hour
1. Now a-days you can still see racism in comedians or Television shows, but most of the time those are all jokes. Most of the times the comedians are making fun of their own race, so it kind of makes it not racist. You can still see real racism in groups like the Klu Klux Klan, even though they aren’t like they used to be, they are still out there and are still racist.
2. I have no idea what the sign will be when racism has diminished more than it has now. I think a sign might be; when we can elect somebody for some government position without questioning if you should because of their race. There were people who didn’t vote for Barrack Obama, because he was black. It had nothing to do with his political views but there were people who didn’t because of his race, I don’t know who but there was good amount of people.
Since racism is taught to us, I don’t think it will ever go away and it will continue on from generation to generation. I don’t believe that racism will ever go away even though President Obama is in office. Now that we have an African American president, there are signs that America has gotten better in their beliefs, but I don’t think it will ever be gone. You can see it by noticing more programs on racism than there were before. Also, the news is always pointing out whether something the President did or someone else in office was racially motivated or not. Also, there was the disrespectful outburst by one of our congressman towards the President. I don’t remember anything like that ever happening with a white President.
Some signs that would show racism is diminishing would be not only Obama being President but more people of different ethnicity holding higher offices in the government.
Also, when there are less racial slurs occurring in music, television shows and even schools, then I know there could be an end to racism.
Ashton Botsford
1st hour
1. Since racism hasn’t disappeared in America, we still see it nowadays in the media and in the people who still feel the need to segregate the races when they speak about them. We already talked about comedians who tell black jokes, and although it is just a joke, there are some people that could take that to heart. Also you see a lot of TV shows that are just white families and white friends or just black families and black friends. You still don’t see that many shows that have diversity in the race, ethnicity, and/or religion between all of the characters. But it’s not only media that shows a little segregation; there are people who still show that too. From experience I know there are people who still have prejudices against certain races, ethnicities, religions, and sexualities. When you think about it, there are obviously not many racist/discriminative people because you don’t hear people saying “I hate black people” or “I hate Jewish people” or anything of that sort. But there are still people who you know deep inside have hatred against a group of people. Also there are many older people who still have racist views because that is how they were raised.
2. A future sign that racism has diminished even more than it has today is when people look at whites and blacks and don’t even see a difference. It’s great that so many people can do that today, but there are still time where you hear someone mentioning a person’s race. When the day comes that people are all equal and looked at the same, then that’s the day racism has ended.
Sydnee Cohen
5th hour
Ezra Woodard
3rd Hour
I do agree that racism has not disappeared in America, or in the world at that matter. We see it mostly for entertainment purposes, such as in movies and many comedy shows. Racism on comedy shows is especially evident in stand-up comedy. One example is of the Latino racism by Gabriel Iglesias. Although he is joking, being it is comedy, many people may take offense to that and even more people will imitate him and maybe even try to be racist. Racism is happening in a variety of ways but the most common use is a stereotype, these are terms that generalize the whole race. Such as Asians are smart, Mexicans eat only tacos and burritos, or Jewish people are greedy and have large noses. If racism were diminished stereotypes, jokes and inferior appearance would also be gone. A sure sign that racism is diminished would be if everybody were seen by who they are and not by what they look like.
Racism is still all around us, in the shows we watch, music and even the places we go. My brother was watching South Park and I was listening to it and they make fun of different races according to the stereotypes. The little jokes people make or comments are reasons that we still have racism all around us. In airports, certain people get stopped at security if they look “suspicious” but it is usually because they might look like a terrorist.
A sign that racism has diminished is the shows will have less jokes and our government will be more diverse. If less shows told jokes or made rude comments then it wouldn’t seem so encouraged by the public. Electing the first African American president is a good start, but people are still making comments about it. Even having a women president might not appeal to a lot of people but it would help in making our country more accepting to change.
Melissa Pace 1st hour
1. We see racism mostly on television and on the internet. I think that some people have made racism a joke but really it isnt funny because it still hurts the race they are joking about. I see plenty of racist African American jokes on youtube about how blacks like only chicken. I would of thought that they would take the video off becasue some of the comments were saying that that person is wrong and that they should delete the video but still today it is up.
2. I dont think there will be a sign for racism to be over because like you said in class parents teach their kids how they were raised in not like African Americans and that they would teach their kids and it would go on forever. But if there would be a sign of racism to be over it would be no one would care that a black man was a persiendt, and no one would care that African Americans are different but to me African Americans are only different in the color of thier skin.
Adam PAuley 2nd hour
1.I believe that racism has reared its ugly head towards minority groups other than African Americans. I believe this because since the election of Barack Obama people have realized that African Americans are just as equal as whites. The only people who haven’t realized this are white supremacy groups. I believe that all races are equal but white supremacy groups do not. Most white supremacy groups still hate African Americans but have lessened their focus on them and started to hate against other groups more, now that Obama is president.
2.A future sign that racism has diminished even more than it has today would be no longer using racist terms. If the entire world stopped saying racist terms then that would be a huge sign that racism has really diminished. Along with not using racist terms, if groups like the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood are eliminated then racism will have pretty much ended.
Luke Rappley
1st Hour
1. Today, racism is seen in more political events. A perfect example of how racism still continues today is in the last presidential election. In Florida, when President Obama was campaigning, he ran into racism. Ugly shouts came from the audience admonishing him for his race. It got so bad that John McCain, his adversary had to point out that the election was not about race. This Harvard educated attorney was not seen by some as such, but as just a black man. This sadly speaks of the continuation of racism in our country in the 21st century.
2. For me, when people are simply admired for their accomplishments as a plain person as opposed to African American or Caucasian, then I will know racism has ended. For example, President Obama is often referred to as the 1st African American President instead of simply President. That will be a clear sign to me when racism has ended.
-Lizzy, 1st hour
Nowadays, racism is everywhere. There is racism in politics, schools, jobs, and anywhere where there is human interaction with other humans. One thing I hear all the time is I’m (insert any ethnicity except Caucasian) I can’t be racist. That is the biggest piece of bull ever. Monica Conyers is a racist. The proved this during her and the Kwame Kilpatrick investigations. And David Ernest Duke was a Louisiana house representative that at one time was a leader of a KKK subgroup. There are entire web sites devoted to anti American hate. http://wehategringos.com/ is a Hispanic illegal immigrant site and Asian racist Frank Wu published a book named Yellow: Race in America Beyond Black and White. Those are a few examples of racism.
Racism will only diminish itself if the world restarts itself and everyone is taught to accept everyone no matter who they are. In other words, racism will always be prevalent and hidden under the blanket of political correctness.
1. Racism can be seen still all over the world. Because of the war on terrorism after 9/11, we have established a stereotype on almost all Muslims or people from the Middle East. We think that they are sneaky and plan to attack and overtake the U.S. Also, the amount of Middle Easterns coming to the U.S. is a little overpowering in towns like Dearborn. Another way racism is prominent is against Latinos or Mexicans. We expect them to do the cheap labor and suspect them of coming to the U.S. illegally. There are definitely steriotypes against them. We tend to assume most Latinos are in bad financial condition.
2. I think that a future sign that racism is diminishing is when there is another race president in office or as vice president. This will boost confidence in other races of people, but it won’t end controversy. There will still be distrust between America and the people of Iranian descent. That will continue for a long time. The hope of achieving a racist free country is very small. There will always be sin in the world.
-Amanda Carrick 5th hour
1. Racism has not disappeared in America. There are still many places were it can be found. It can be found in other country’s like North Korea, who failed to even mention Barak Obama after he was elected as president of the US. Also, in the southern US, racism can be found, for example in former confederate states. Racism is definitely decreasing, but it has not completely disappeared yet. Our country once enslaved minorities, and confederates fought for slavery, but luckily did not succeed.
2. Future sign’s of diminishing racism are coming up in a lot of ways. One way is that an African American president was just elected president of a once very racist country. This means that most of America voted for him, meaning that most of America is not raciest, and that doesn’t even mean that McCain voters are raciest either. Those are major signs that racism is diminishing.
Willie Beattie
3rd Hour
We see racism "rear its ugly head" in many places. Although it has decreased through the years, it still shows up a lot. The main place it is shown would probably be in entertainment and media. Comedic shows especially flaunt their racist jokes. It has become normal to crack jokes about anyone who is a different race then ourselves. Racism is also shown on the roads and in school. Many African Americans claim that they are pulled over more or are given harsher punishments. There are hate groups specifically created against races and many do not support President Obama just because he isnt white. The stereotypes for mexicans, asians, blacks, etc., are just getting worse.
Future signs will be pretty clear if racism diminishes. Jokes against different races will go away, neighborhoods will be less segregated, more ethnic groups and religions will be elected in politics, and people will take the time to learn more about other cultures and traditions.
Rebecca Cook
5th Hour
Margeaux Phillips
1st Hour
1. Yes, I think we can all agree that racism is still very much alive in America. From things as simple as a white man getting over a black man getting a job, sometimes the African American will not get the job simply because they’re black and not “educated”. The opposite is true, in the case of affirmative action, black people will get a job solely because they are black. This is a still a form of racism because we’re not looking at who is competent enough for the job, just the color of their skin.
2. I think a sign that racism has decreased will be when any person can walk down the street, or go in a restaurant, or get a job anywhere and not feel self-conscious about what people are stereotypically saying behind their backs. When people start to look at who we are as people, not the color of our skin.
3. I think it is very possible. I think many whites are aware of the “institutional racism”, they just don’t care enough to bring change. They are getting the better end of the stick, so why change things? This isn’t true for every white person obviously, but I think many white people have the heart for change they just don’t want to mess up the order of things where they get the better half.
Matthew Brodley
5th Hour
Racism now in days is not shown in only one place, but it is shown in everything now in days. It starts to show when for example u get a text and you pull out your blackberry. That is an example of Jew racism, which happens at our school. Another way it is shown is in the media. The fact of all of these TV shows (Family Guy, South Park etc) now saying all of these racial jokes for pretty much every race and others really should be stopped in my option. In the United States, we see lots of racism when it comes to blacks and Mexicans. We see racism in those races because everyone thinks blacks Mexicans are stupider and different then white people but they are wrong, we are all the same. Racism will never end because it has been here for such a long time, and I don’t think it’s going to go away. There are still bad people out there and very anti Semitic people out there and they are not going to change.
Racism has definitely not ended since the election of Barack Obama, but it has reduced since then. Electing the first black president has been a big step for lessening racism. It mostly occurs in technology today. The major contributor with this is television. There are many comedians, comedy shows, and other programs on TV that say racist things or are considered racist. For example, Carlos Mencia’s show, “Mind of Mencia”, is all about racist comedy. One of his shows was called the “Race Olympics”, this was about many different stereotypes about different races and it made fun of a lot of races.
A sign that racism has diminished is when people aren’t judged by how they look, but how they act. Also, once all races are paid equally and not stereotyped, we will know that racism has diminished. Another thing that will show that racism has decreased in the future is when there are less racist jokes being told by people every day and on the television.
Alex Valente
5th Hour
Griffin Harms
1st Hour
1.) Though racism has greatly decreased over time, it is still evident in many areas such as the south and states that border Mexico. In the south, some people have confederate flags and are racist. Also, because of the racism still in the south, Obama lost a majority of votes due to the fact that he is African American. By some people in the south, he was probably seen as a black man, not a politician. There is also racism towards other ethnic groups in America. In states that border Mexico, people are racist towards mexicans and stereotype them as all being illegal immigrants. In airports, Arabs are be viewed as suspicious because of 911 and they are stereotyped as all being dangerous bombers.
2.) I think that a sign of racism diminishing would be when another official runs for government and is a minority and the votes seem to be proportional throughout the states.
Racism is seen in much of the modern day. Many movies and comedians portray African Americans as gangsters and that they are always high, shows Caucasians as geeks who are weak, Asians as super smart and know martial arts. They also show many other stereotypes that are just strengthening racism, even if they are not meant to be harmful. Racism is seen in the news, such as certain groups fighting for rights because they were denied a job. Many of these cases I think however are just ways of taking advantage of the fact that they are a minority, and are not actually based on race issues. Like in England, a group of Muslims protested that they were not being treated equally. It also, very rarely, shows itself in a physical aspect as violence. I think there will be no end to racism in the future. However, to me the signs that show racism is starting to decline more are when people stop making a big deal at the first African American this or Latino that and just see the person as president or senator, and race is not considered an issue. A second sign to me that racism is decreasing is when all races are more of a mix. We are getting close to this point. In fact, it is predicted that in 2042 Caucasians will become a minority, and this number has gone down several times. I also think that a subtle form of racism is in what we call other races and when we call them. You never hear “Hey, look at that white guy over there,” but you often hear “hey, look at that black guy over there.” Also, if you are talking on the television or even in front of a group, whites are almost never referred to as Caucasians, while Mexicans are often called Latinos or Latinas and blacks are often called African Americans.
Jacob Hasenau.
In everyday life we see racism rear its ugly head in the media (television, radio, stereotypes, racial profiling, and comedians). For example in 2007 radio host Don Imus referred to the Rutgers women’s basketball team in a racist way. Another example is in 2006 when Michael Richards from Seinfeld began shouting racist comments at a group of Black people in the concert. We see many examples of stereotyping at school every day like that all Asian kids are smart and that all black people are good at basketball. A future sign of that racism will have diminished is when a Mexican-American person or anyone of other ethnicity can be elected as president and will not be referred to as the first Mexican-American but just as the president of the United States. Another example of racism disappearing in society would be different ethnic groups stop being persecuted for being who they are, for example an Arab family being able to walk through airport security without being stopped for a “random” security check.
Jon Holland
1. Obviously, today racism in America hasn’t disappeared yet and it is a tragedy for all people in America. Some people say that before Obama was elected there was a greater amount of racism in America, but others say that there was less racism before he was elected and now that he is elected there is more of it happening. There are usually incidents of racism in school, or in businesses around the country, but sometimes there is racism in neighborhood communities. One example is that Jimmy Carter claimed that the reason for some of the senate’s not voting for Obama is because he is black. This form of racism has been around for too long in my opinion. Another example is in the airports there have been incidents of security searching certain races of people because of the terrorist attacks.
2. If there are any future signs that racism in America had “left” and diminished I think one will be that they will, find some way to work out the racism in schools by creating some new law. Another sign will be that there will be many different races of presidents in the future instead of just white and African American. I think that this will show the world that even though a person is a different race than the past presidents they can still become a president if that becomes true I think that the world will see that racism has finally ended in America.
Alex Allen 5th hour
1. I think one of the biggest ways racism is still around today is through stereotypes. Because of a stereotype someone might hear something about a certain type of people, and then judge or treat a person a different way because of it. I feel like there are stereotypes about Mexicans, like that they are all illegal immigrants, and stereotypes about blacks, maybe that they all are ‘gangsters,’ or listen to rap and carry weapons, or stereotypes about Muslims, like that they are all terrorists. I think these stereotypes can really hurt the way everybody looks at a group of people as a whole, or as individuals, whether you fit the stereotype or not.
2. I think racism will go way once everybody stops asking whether it still exists or not. I think that if everyone is questioning if it still exists, then it obviously does. When racism is gone, we won’t have to question ourselves, or test to see if it really is, but we will all know. Everyone would be equal in every way and there wouldn’t be any racial tension, and I don’t think we have reached that point yet.
Elyse Dumas - 5th hour
Crystal Oropeza
3rd hour
1. Racism has decreased of the year, but is still not gone. I believe it is mostly in technology and the media. Many television shows get their comedy by racists jokes. This maybe funny to some people, but I'm sure everyone doesn't take it as a joke. If we were to eliminate these, racism would probably lower. With every little stem it could decrease. Also, in airports all in the U.S. Middle Eastern people are stereotyped as terrorists just because of past experiences. This is so wrong, just because incidents happened there is no reason to judge, or be racist. And to top all that off, racism isn't only with one group, its with many different races, and people.
2. A future sign that racism has diminished could be a woman, or more diverse races in politics, and as president. As Obama being president I think it has helped and made us stronger. Not everyone, but many people will get over being stereotypical about everyone. People wont have to fear being judged or talked about.
Austin Rovinski
5th hour-Wickersham
1. Racism is seen these days mainly in the media. Racism occurs in movies, is seen on the news, and is seen on TV. A specific example is a movie on Comedy Central that I saw that portrays the black main characters as being dumb and wanting to get high all the time. Although it is part of the comedy, it still conveys the message of racism.
2. A future sign that racism will have diminished even more than it has today is when people like Carlos Mencia and Jeff Dunham find something other than racist jokes to talk about. Making jokes about racism is just a way to manifest it that seems less harmful than it really is.
3. It is possible that there is a system that perpetually creates a gap between whites and other minorities. Because minority communities don’t have as good of an education as whites often do, they get stuck with the worse jobs and are forced to live in worse housing in worse communities, which causes the cycle to continue. People see this, but they debate whether the government should spoon-feed them or whether they’re just lazy and they need to work hard to get to better schools and break the cycle.
Jared Monchnik
5th hr
1.As asked in the question, where do we see racism rear its ugly head nowadays, I believe that racism is largely found in the Middle East, Asia, and in America, with racist jokes and stereotypes. For example: in the Middle East, there are many stereotypes that most Muslims look like terrorists, when in fact that’s usually not the case. In Asia there are stereotypes that all Asians are good at math or are prodigies in everything they do, when the truth is there’s only a few actual real prodigies in world, let alone Asia. Finally America also has many stereotypical sayings, like that all Americans are lazy and/or fat, and in some cases yes that is true, but not every American.
2.In my honest opinion, I believe that racism will never cease to exist or diminish further as long as there is one person hating another person because of the way they look or act. As in many areas in the world racism probably occurs because human beings as a species don’t like what they don’t know about, which make people judge incorrectly resulting in racism.
Kendal Gumbleton
1st Hour
1. Nowadays we see racism “rear its ugly head” almost daily. Most of the time we see racism today we don’t really even realize it. For example, on many shows today they will sneak in racist remarks or jokes that most people don’t even realize, The Daily Show is an example of this. Now most of us don’t seem to mind most of these jokes because they’re mainly not about Blacks so we don’t see it to be as bad, even though to some people it is, but to most it is harmless and funny.
2. A future sign that racism has diminished even more than it has today are when everyone stops making racist jokes. Now to most these jokes are harmless but to the race they are directed to they could still be hurtful even though it is said as a joke. Even though we don’t have as many racists like we used to back in the early 1900s that are outspoken and make rude remarks, we still have many people making what they see as harmless racist jokes, but it is still racism. When the number of people making these kinds of jokes has dropped dramatically that will be a sign for me that racism has dropped even more than today.
Although Barraack Obama is president and proved racism wrong in many ways, the election itself may has even sparked some racism, like when we discussed in class how people have mentioned that they want to go back to the old days. Besides that we can also find racism in our day to day lives; different stereotypes people have of each race, so when someone doesn't fall under the category of there stereotype, it makes them feel uncomfortable. Racism also rears its ugly head in jobs, although it may not be as frequent as stereotypes, it still exists today, especially with todays economic crisis and people losing jobs everywhere, minorities would probably be less preferred over what people may consider the dominant race.
One sign that racism has diminished is when less stereotypes exist and people don't expect different outcomes of each race. Another sign of racism decreasing is when more great events happen involving different races, like now we have our first African-American President which as I said earlier has decreased racism in many ways, if more people of different races are elected then that will be a sign the racism has diminished significantly because some people who haven't adjusted already will; we can be sure of that because the past has proven with several events in history that mark the triumph of different races.
Harshita Pinnamaneni
alex wong 3rd hour
I believe that racism has not ended yet because there are always people that are resistant to change and the people that just don’t except it because society has taught them to think that way. Also racism may be over for African Americans now that Obama’s president but that is only one race and it’s a large one so it’s not even over for the African Americans in the near future. There are many other races such as Asians, Mexicans, Latinos, and Europeans that are looked down at from stereotypes from our society.
Racism will come back if it has gone but it hasn’t and I’m sure that it will come roaring back when someone hates another for some reason. Racism will finally be over when people can see the good in everybody and not hate them for what they’ve heard, people will be judged on actions not stereotypes and tradition taught by society.
1. Today in America we see racism in schools, businesses, and other public places. In schools you see kids and teachers assuming lower academic skills for certain races. And a lot of people might assume someone is not as good in athletics because of their gender. In business places, when hiring an employee, whoever is choosing the new person might choose someone because of their race. They choose that person because they think the other race is inferior. At stores, when employees are tending to costumers, they might act differently to people who are not the same race as them. They might help the costumer with the same race as them first, or treat them nicer.
2. We will that racism is diminished when we see more people of different races and genders as politicians. They are the people who represent America. America has already made the great accomplishment o elected and African American as President, and things should just get better from here.
Kristina Ndrejaj
1) I believe that racism will never end because some people will always feel higher than others. There are still groups of KKK members in Midland Michigan and other various places. Racism is coming up a lot with the Middle East area. This is because of the war. Racism is pretty common with comedians and on TV shows such as family guy and Colbert Report; also with Jeff Dunham a ventriloquist comedian. Racism will not ever end although it has gone done tremendously.
2) Something that could point out that racism has calmed down even more is when the racist jokes are not used as much and people being stereotypical about the whole topic. People can dress up and say that this is what a typical (Mexican terrorist or Arabian) looks like. This is bad because they dress a certain way because of their culture.
Blog #21
1. I think racism has not disappeared. Even though we have a black president, people are saying he will not be able to help us in the future because he’s black. We see racism in various places. We see it at school, in the towns, stores, and TV shows. A lot of this happens because people think it’s funny, I know some people who like to make racist jokes even though they’re not racist. Some people see African Americans as “ghetto” meaning low, worthless, shallow. This is a big stereotype because this is not true.
2. I am hoping that racism will not show at all in the future. People take its as a joke. For example people think its sunny to make fun of black people saying “all they eat is KFC. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.” What some people don’t realize is that there no different from us. But its not just African Americans its Asians and their squinty eyes, Muslim, and Mexican. Racism is a joke to most people in today’s world.
Ari Franklin
5th hour
1. We all agree that racism has not ended and it shows in many different places. One Specific example is on television. There are many different shows expressing racism but the most common is comedy acts. Comedians, such as Carlos Mencia, regularly make racist jokes. People think that it’s ok to make those jokes but it’s not and the jokes promote stereotypes. Another specific example is in schools. In many schools the kids are only exposed to a few different ethnicities. This is bad because they get stereotypes in their head and they don’t have enough experience to know that the stereotypes aren’t true.
2. A future sign that racism is over would be that racist jokes are no longer allowed. When people stop making racist jokes then people won’t be exposed to racism. This will help because when they children grow up and they weren’t exposed to racism then they can teach their children and so on.
3. I think that this is a bunch of baloney. This is also another example of racism because some people think that white people think that they are better than everyone else. This is not true because nowadays we see famous people from minority groups.
Jimmy McCafferty
5th hour
Today we see racism in the media more than anywhere else. While this racism may not be a direct attack on any race it is still shown through stereotypes. A more specific example of stereotypical racism shown in the media are comedy shows such as Saturday Night Live. Most every sketch in the show uses some sort of racial stereotype (usually toward African Americans or people of Middle Eastern decent) to carry the “comedic” aspects of the sketch, usually targeting a famous person in that race.
I don’t believe that racism will ever fully diminish and any sign of it becoming less prominent than it is today will be very subtle. I believe this because most forms of racism today are fairly subtle in themselves such as some stereotypes, as mentioned before, that will probably never die.
In everyday life we racism in the newspaper,radio, television,and sterotypes.Like for example in shows and in books they try to sneak it in so no one will notice. Sometimes hearing racism annoyes me i hate how people think thier higher than somebody just because of thier skin color.I also think people get to comfortable like if someoone sad something about thier race people would take as a joke because they are use to that.
2. A sign that racism has diminished even more than it has today is when we can hang with people without being judge. Where schools can me more mix with relgions then a all black school and a all white school.Where black people can go to some and feel safe. When people stop telling racist jokes even though it hurts.
Quinton Furman
3rd hour
Alvin Pitris
Racism is still around, but not nearly as much as it used to be. Racism nowadays is not as serious as it used to be. For example if someone on was racist about 60 years ago they would say it to someone’s face, and maybe even do something to harm them physically. Today if you see racism, they aren’t usually going to tell the person directly that they don’t like them, and that they are racist, let alone harm them. Also, you see a lot of racism in television and movies and comedians. One specific example could be “Family Guy”, which makes racist jokes occasionally for a joke.
A future sign that racism diminished is when there is less jokes about racism. But, I think, in 10 or so years racism will drop a little more, and that will be when there is the least racism. Racism will NEVER completely vanish. But, if people who are getting made fun of because of their race, their own race must stop making jokes about it if they really want the racism to stop.
I think racism is far from diminishing anytime soon in the country. In fact, with Obama as president now, racism is even more prevalent in society as it is being brought into the foreground. There will always be ignorant people who believe one race is better than another, so in theory racism will not ever go away. Racism constantly shows up in today’s media through outlets like comedy and even news networks.
One day America will gradually ease into coexistence, and people will start to think of each other as equal. Some signs of this happening will be more diversity in leadership positions and fewer stories in the news about hate crimes and groups like the KKK. I believe that even though whites will always be the majority in America, they will eventually stop being seen as such. We still have a ways to go, but one day we will reach that point of equality and skin color will be just the same as eye color.
-Andrew Williams
3rd Hour
Today the most racism has been seen in media, the internet and the printed media. In sitcoms like “Family Guy”, “South Park” and news programs like FOX News tend to concentrate on the negative aspects of racial differences. The news is probably the biggest perpetrator of racism. At airports people who look Arabic, are targeted as terrorists and more often inspected in security. Young black males are looked at suspiciously in stores or on the streets when they travel in groups.
I will know that racism has diminished when there is no more FOX News. Seriously, I think a sign of racism has diminished will be when I personally don’t feel uncomfortable in situations where I am a minority.
I believe that there is no institutional racism holding down the minorities. Barack Obama was elected, Hilary Clinton almost was, our principal is African American. It isn’t gone…but it’s happening.
David Hoffman
3rd period
Keith Wright 3rd
1 Racism has not dissapeared from America even with President Obamma in office. Racism can still be found in southern states because the familys down there pass down there oppinions to new generations so the hate is still spead.
2 A sign that racism has diminished even more is when it stops becomeing such a big deal that students like us dont have to do reports on big racal changes in America.
Isaac A -
1st Hour
Blog #21
1. Racism is still very present nowadays and it can be found in many different locations. For instance, in the South, many people still brandish the Confederate flag. Those people still believe that the white race is better than any other race or culture. Also, in the Middle East, Jews and Muslims are still fighting over land. This conflict has caused a lot of racism between the two cultures. Both refuse to live in the same neighborhood, and there have been many deaths and injuries because of physical conflicts. That kind of racism is not present in America, but its still not completely gone.
2. There are only a few things that could happen in the future that could prove to me that racism is completely gone. One thing would be that every community would have absolutely no segregation. This means that every town, suburb, and city would not be all black, white, or any other race. Instead, they would have at least one of each race. This would prove to me that people could live with each other peacefully, no matter who is what race.
Jake Ryan
3rd hour
1. We can see racism in our daily news such as on fox news, you can also see different forms on T.V. shows such as family guy and American dad. Some examples of racism in American are on every show there is some kind of guy from the Middle East and they think he is a terrorist and they kill/arrest him. And in family guy they have Mort Goldman the super stereotypes such as the has a huge nose and he has a “Jew fro” and he is vary nerves about everything and he works at a drug store there is even an episode where peter griffin the main character makes a “scare Jew” (a scare crow with a suit with a swastika on its arm and a Hitler mustache).
2. We will know when racism is going disappearing because shows like American dad and family guy are canceled for being racist and stuff like that
Matt Baker
3rd Hour
1.) Racism is clearly still alive today and is seen in society very often. Though America has now elected a black president, this does not mean racial barriers are gone between whites and blacks, for instance, the fact that the American public find it so significant that we have elected a black president is proof of racism. This is proof that racism still exists because it shows that most Americans see Obama as a black man and true eradication of racism is when people of all races do not see themselves as a bunch of different races, but see people as a bunch of human beings.
2.) There are many things that can diminish the amount of racism that occurs today. One thing that could change about the world we live in is by seeing beyond skin color and seeing the inner thoughts of each person. The people of the world might also become close enough to each other to eliminate labels all together.
Brittney Jernigan
5th Hour
1.) Racism is expressed in the media. There are racist jokes all over television and tv shows that millions of people watch. Such as Family guy or South Park. Racism is also seen in schools. We live around racist people, but its not as bad as it use to be. Just because we have a black president doesn't mean that racism is dead
2.)Future signs that racism will diminish more than it has today will be when we don't hear stereotypes on television and when we won't hear anyone calling a specific person a bad name because of their race. But we're progressing by having a black president. Personally, I don't think stereotypes will ever go away.
1.The place that i see there is still racisim is in the south. I feel that it is in the south because in the civil war they supported having slaves and wanted to keep them. the children learn from the adults and if the adults are racist then most likely the kids will be to.
2.In the future the thing that will tell me that racism had diminished is when people stop judging people by how they look and talk. When people get to know somone then to avois them because of there color and religon.
Blake groskind
Sarah S 1st hour
Racism has gotten a lot better over the years but unfortunately it still exists today. The reason for it to still occur is probably because people that lived in the years that racism existed strongly, they have passed it down and tried to influence other people about it. Just recently the election of Obama has caused people to become racist against his presidency. They make inappropriate comments about Obama because he is colored. Also not only in real life, but in entertainment such as TV shows, music, and movies show some forms of racism. I believe that racism will eventually diminish very soon. Every year less and less people are influenced towards racism. I have a feeling that through time racism will disappear throughout our world.
Adam Egrin
5th Hour
Mr. Wickersham
Blog #21
The questions for you are:
1. Since we've agreed that racism hasn't disappeared in America, where do we see it rear its ugly head nowadays? Please give some specific examples.
We see racism rear its ugly head nowadays by the fact that we still have in America people who proclaim that they are Nazis and are members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) There are also people in America upset that there is a black president who are not Nazis or members of the KKK. Sometimes on television comedy shows for example “everybody hates Chris” or in music today certain lyrics also seem to indicate that racism is still with us. Finally, jokes often are a reflection of what our society thinks and how it acts; for example, I saw a small group of students at Groves “goosestepping” and called that funny.
2. What will be a future sign to you that racism has diminished even more than it has today?
A future sign to indicate to me that racism has diminished even more than it has today is when we elect an atheist, gay, Native American, or Jewish president. The reason I say this is because it seems that we only choose presidents who have “our views or morals.” America is far more diverse than it has ever been. The question is can America learn to become more tolerant and accepting that it is now?
Blog #21
Since we’ve agreed that racism has not disappeared in America, I see it in places like school and other public events. For example, in school many of the different races tend to group together. On occasion, you will see multicultural peers hanging out together, but most of the time friends are with people of their same race. I believe it is easier for people to become friends with your kind due to the face that you share something in common, along with many other things that fall under the topic of race. Other public places I see racism would be places like the mall and restaurants. Sometimes, the cashier or waitress will attend to the customers of their kind before the others.
A future sign to me that racism has diminished even more than it has today would be the day when people stop having so called “nicknames” for each group of race. For instance, Chaldeans are always referred to as camels, Caucasians are referred to as crackers, Mexicans are referred to as beaners, and the list goes on and on. Some people take it offensive when they are called by these names, and some people do not. Regardless of this fact, we were all created equally, and that is the way we should be treated!
1.) The word racism has come to be associated with hate crimes, discrimination, and countless negative things along those lines. To me, it means differences based on race. It is not necessarily bad—racism can be bad when it is used to discriminate and make people feel inferior. It’s not bad when we see the differences and accept them.
> When some Americans see a foreign looking person, they assume that this person will not be able to speak English. Consequently, the American will say something like: “In America, we do it this way..” That person can speak English fluently—but doesn’t take offense to the comment.
> In stores it is obvious that a person asking a question is not from this country—their English is broken-the clerk will ask them a question back---in other words, speak English
> Mosques, temples, Catholic ---these are things we see the differences on and accept them.
2.)I think it will be evident someday that we all accept the differences and threat the differences as they should be treated—with respect, not discrimination. It is obvious that “what you are, you are!” Until the world becomes one race due to continuous
“Interbreeding, we all just need to chill out. Until this occurs some day, differences will always be there.
Alex Victor
Hour 5
Blog #21
1. Racism has been “a continual controversial issue within everyday American society.” The places we see racism happening the most nowadays is within our schools, the media, and even in some religion there is discrimination. People easily mistake it for “jokes”, and even if it’s intended to be a joke the fact of the matter is that it’s not something to joke about. People today are more stereotypical than they’ve ever been. Even when I go to school every day I hear people saying things like “well all Asian kids are super smart and play in the orchestra, all the Jewish kids are greedy and have a lot of money, and all black people love fried chicken and purple kool aid, and usually flunk out of school.” You hear these things EVERYWHERE and the media is definitely provoking this. Also some religions get groups together and become prejudice against one race or group.
2. A future sign that racism has finally diminished doesn’t exist to me. People will never stop being so judgmental, and the stereotypes and hatred will never go away. It’s part of the human race for hatred and bad things to exist. So no, there is no future sign that racism has diminished.
Abbi -3rd
1. While racism isn’t completely gone we still see it a lot in life today. It can be seen a lot in the media today. It can be seen everyday when going into a gas station or 7-Eleven people expect to see an Indian or Middle Eastern serving them. Or when in a movie theater and a loud voice yells out most assume it’s a black person. Or the way a white person sees several different groups of black people walking near each other and assumes they’re all friends. We can also see comical racism on television and movies, most of it is passed off as just humor because that’s all it really is because for the most part none of it is too offensive. Most movies are targeted only to certain audiences because different races understand some movies the way the director wanted them to better than others. Also in music such as the big hype made over white rappers such as Eminem, Asher Roth and others. In the same way that there is MTV, MTV trés, or BET racism is being broadcasted all over the country in subtle ways. Racism is still alive, it’s just hidden.
2. A future sign that racism is diminished will be when the majority of comedian’s showcases are aimed at racism. Or when people’s careers aren’t made simply because of their race. When people can act without being judged by someone of another race. A black man in the white house is a big deal but there still are other jobs that are divided by race. Maybe by the time a Latino or Asian is president we will have moved forward far enough to where racism is just a memory.
Blake - 5th
1. To be specific about where racism has appeared I think the best example is when I drove to Arizona with my mom and uncle we drove the south and we stopped in Oklahoma and we got some food at a restaurant and all of the people just kept staring at us and the waitress was very mean to us I heard one of the people behind me say “what are those N****** doing here?”
2. When any race can be look at without any of those people who think bad of them or say anything about any of the stereotypes that they might have about the other race and when people like me can go to Oklahoma or any other state without any raciest people and if the adults stop then there kids will to so there will be in entire generation who will think that racism is bad
Brian T. - 3rd
Jalen Spicer
Hour: 3rd
In our society today I feel Racism hasn't ended since Obama has been in office. Racism is something that will never end in the American society no matter whose president. Don't get me wrong, but a lot of people have become more open to other cultures and people because we have a black president but, to say racism has ended is an overstatement. Also, in our future I don't think racism is going to end anytime soon. I think that it is true that white Americans can't see or acknowledge its existence such as myself an African American or minority could, because in America the white population is dominant. It isn’t just necessarily the blacks being picked on with the racism situation, its everyone. Whites, blacks, Mexicans, and even Asians. All around racism in the US needs to be stopped. Don’t judge Obama by the color of his skin, but, by what he can do for are country and people. In my opinion I thought that racism should have at least been limited to a point when Obama was elected. I knew it would continue, but all along I think it has gotten worse.
Jalen S. -3rd
We are spending or money on things like prisons, schools, and military. We also spend a lot of our money on our roads and on bailouts. I think that bailouts are the main thing that we spend our money on because we spend such a vast amount of money at a time on bailouts.
The government needs to spend money so that they can provide services for the public like the ones mentioned in question number one. If the government didn’t fix up roads then we couldn’t drive from place to place because no one would spend there own money to fix it. Also if the government couldn’t fund our jails they would fall apart and eventually close.
We have a huge national debt because we spend more then what we get from taxpayers and we got in an expensive war in Iraq and more recently got involved more in Afghanistan. Also we had to bailout companies that failed in the economic recession that we just went through otherwise they would of gone broke and thousands of people would of lost there jobs.
I think that we should look into what the government really spends there money and see if any of are debts were unnecessary. And I will join this muckraking project.
Nick P.
I think that racism is can be used against every race so people who think that Obama is the end of racism don’t know what they are talking about. People have steriotypes about every race there is. Jokes like African Americans are more athletic, Asains are smarter and the list goes on.
I don’t think that racism will ever be over. It may get a little better but it will never be over. There will always be a large amount of people who wont like another race or will think that they are better than another race. But I think that modern time have changed some thinkgs and that racism is getting a lot more rare. I think that we will no that racism is shrinking when groups like the kkk and the black panthers are stopped and no longer harass the other races.
I think that this is a false statement because just because someone is white doesn’t mean that they are smart and rich. A prime example of this is China. China is becoming the most powerful country in the world and they are not white. Also there are a lot of white people who are poor too. I just don’t think that the white race is the superior race and that all races are the same.
Nick P.
1. well where i rasicism see it rear its ugly head nowadays is basically every where with the stereo types beginng to get more progressive and work its way into everyday functionning society.like mexicans working for lawnscaping companies or asians bieng math geniuses. so now its every whrere, like now that obama is president there is so much discrimination going on that you really dont hear about just because of the color of his skin. so racism is deep in our contry and its not getting any better unfourtunatly.
2.a future sign to me that rasiscm has diminished is when you dont here any more stereo types and when here are no issues with people dating other races or being involved at the same workplaces without there being any rascial discrimination.
Tim Wimbush
Scott Crosthwaite
5th Hour
1. So we know that racism has not disappeared and wont for a very long time. I see racism everywhere like the media, TV, radio, schools and many other places. Just because people think that now we have a black president means that racism would be over but its not, it far from being over. An example is in schools you see people in the different races hanging out with each other but usually you see people of the same races hanging out with each other, more than people of different races hanging out.
2. The future sign to me that racism will diminish even than more today would be every country in the world would have many races in one place, instead of one race in one place and another race in another place. I would want to see every races getting along with each other, and that’s what would be the future sign that racism has diminished.
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