After linking corruption in the business world today to the abuse of power back then, and contrasting moral businessmen like J.P. Morgan with modern ones like the Enron head honchos, after comparing Carnegie Steel and Standard Oil with Clear Channel's vertical and horizontal integation, what nagging question still remains? Is there something that you're not quite still clear about?
There were some great questions on the power writing. For example:
1. How could Enron look profitable for so long yet practically collapse almost over night?
2. Why do people get so greedy that they'll risk everything?
3. How is Clear Channel a monopoly if they only own 10% of the market?
4. Apple appears to be nice and friendly in their ads, but that article, at least the author, seems to really hate Apple. Why?
Your job, in Blog #2, is to pick your toughest question that still nags you and try to answer it in no less than 150 words. Due Monday, Sept. 22, 2008.